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 What features will we want?

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T O P I C    R E V I E W
triadne Posted - 07 Jul 2024 : 13:46:14
What sort of features would visitors require and appreciate?

I'm thinking just now, people can enjoy having a collection, so perhaps a personal 'shelf' for users to store their favourites?
For creators of fan works, the ability to have showcases may be useful. The ability to have reviews has already been covered and is part of the fundamentals.

The ability to write articles in the same way as a blog should be good. The ability to upvote articles could determine what is on the front page.

The ability to submit new content, new properties and franchises should be possible. There needs to be restrictions to deter bad actors.

I would like to have the ability to dynamically alter the look and feel of the site, changing contrast and switching between light mode and dark mode?

What other features do you think would be useful or desirable?
1   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
Casper Posted - 07 Jul 2024 : 16:41:20
Perhaps the ability to have pre-crafted message replies, so any creators can more easily share their work?

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